

A top positioned bootstrap inspired modal dialog, that supports flows between content in the same dialog instance.



Define other dialog contents and link them so users can flow between them, like a wizard.

Each step in the flow can override basic options.

Overflow scrolling

Inspired by the bootstrap dialog, flowdialog will allow the entire dialog to be scrolled vertically (without scrolling the underlying page) if it overflows off the page.

Fixed height dialogs will allow the content to scroll vertically.


Changes in height and width between flows use jQuery animations to make the changes visually appealing.

In the future, CSS transitions will be supported.

Markup based footer

The footer content is defined in the dialog HTML, allowing better customization, and more control over the behavior.

Flow option overrides

Each dialog in the flow can have their own options.

If no options are specified, it inherits the options of the main dialog in the flow.




Single dialog

A simple single dialog, with defaut options.

Flow dialog

A dialog flow, with 3 steps, and transitions.

Dialog structure


The dialog title is defined by supplying a "title" attribute on the dialogs main DOM node.

<div id="divSomeDialog" title="Your dialog title goes here"></div>


The dialog footer is defined by decorating a div in the dialog content, with a "data-type" attribute, with a value of "footer".

<div id="divSomeDialog" title="Your dialog title goes here">
    <p>Your content goes here.</p>
    <div data-type="footer">
       <span>Some footer content</span>


Name Default Description
height auto The height of the dialog content. If 'auto', the height will grow with the content.
growToHeight true If true, the 'height' option is considered the "max" height, and the content will grow to it. Once the height is exceeded, the content will vertically scroll.
width 600 The width of the dialog content.
showCloseButton true If true, the upper right close icon is visible.
closeOnEscape false If true, the dialog can be dismissed by pressing escape on the keyboard.
closeOnOverlayClick false If true, the dialog can be dismissed by clicking off of the dialog.
autoOpen false If true, the dialog will open on load.
appendTo document.body The element to append the dialog DOM to. Usually you'll want this to be the body of the page documents.
hideEmptyFooter true If true, the footer area will be hidden if no footer was defined.
hideEmptyTitle false If true, the title/header area will be hidden if no title is defined, and the close button is hidden.
useTransitions true If true, jQuery transitions/animations will be used when showing, hiding, or resizing the dialog.
animateDuration 250 The amount of milliseconds animations will take to complete when useTransitions = true AND useCSSTransitions = false
flow [] An array of "flow" object maps, allowing you to link multiple dialog contents into a flow.


Name Description
onOpen Triggered when the dialog has been opened.
onPreClose Triggered when the dialog is about to close. Preventing default will prevent the dialog from actually closing.
onClose Triggered when the dialog has been closed.
onReposition Triggered when the dialog has been recentered on the page.
onFlow Triggered when the dialog flow has changed.


Name Arguments Description
open (optional) index Opens the dialog. If an index is passed in, it will open the dialog to that index in the flow.
close Closes the dialog
option name, (optional) value If no value is passed in, the value for the matching name will be returned. Otherwise, the value for the matching option will be set.
reposition Repositions the dialog.
flow command, [arguments]


Creating a dialog

<div id="divDialogExample" title="Example Dialog">
    <p>Your dialog content goes here.</p>
    <div data-type="footer">
        <span>Your footer content goes here.</span> <button>Close</button>
var $divDialogExample = $('#divDialogExample').flowdialog({
   height: 400,
   width: 700,
   growToHeight: false 

Creating a flow

<div id="divFlowDialog1" title="Step 1">
    <p>Your dialog content for step 1 goes here.</p>
    <div data-type="footer">
        <button class="btn-flow-cancel">Cancel</button>
        <button class="btn-flow-next">Next</button>

<div id="divFlowDialog2" title="Step 2">
    <p>Your dialog content for step 2 goes here.</p>
    <div data-type="footer">
        <button class="btn-flow-cancel">Cancel</button>
        <button class="btn-flow-prev">Previous</button>
        <button class="btn-flow-next">Next</button>

<div id="divFlowDialog3" title="Final Step">
    <p>Your dialogs content for the final step goes here.</p>
    <div data-type="footer">
        <button class="btn-flow-cancel">Cancel</button>
        <button class="btn-flow-prev">Previous</button>
        <button class="btn-flow-finish">Finish</button>
var $divFlowDialog1 = $('#divFlowDialog1'),
    $divFlowDialog2 = $('#divFlowDialog2'),
    $divFlowDialog3 = $('#divFlowDialog3'),
    $btnFlowCancel = $('button.btn-flow-cancel'),
    $btnFlowPrev = $('button.btn-flow-prev'),
    $btnFlowNext = $('button.btn-flow-next'),
    $btnFlowFinish = $('button.btn-flow-finish');

//Create the main dialog instance.
    height: 500,
    growToHeight: true,
    width: 700,
    flow: [{
        target: $divFlowDialog2,
        //Override the height/width of the dialog.
        height: 300,
        width: 500
    }, {
        //No height/width means it'll use the main instance defaults.
        target: $divFlowDialog3

//Bind up the button handlers for the flows.
$btnFlowCancel.on('click', function(e) {
    //Close the flow dialog.

$btnFlowPrev.on('click', function(e) {
    //Flow to the previous step.
    $divFlowDialog1.flowdialog('flow', 'prev');    

$btnFlowNext.on('click', function(e) {
    //Flow to the next step.
    $divFlowDialog1.flowdialog('flow', 'next'); 

$btnFlowFinish.on('click', function(e) {
   //Perform some actions, then close the dialog.

Getting or setting option(s)

//Set single
$divDialogExample.flowdialog('option', 'height', 400);

//Set multiple
$divDialogExample.flowdialog('option', {
    'height': 400,
    'width': 600
Note: If using flow, the setting of option(s) applies to the active flow item.
var height = $divDialogExample.flowdialog('option', 'height');        


Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet turducken consectetur tongue, ham eiusmod pariatur adipisicing tail fugiat non ut. Culpa beef ribs est pork loin pork cillum dolore ex tail in. Corned beef do officia kielbasa sirloin culpa ribeye mollit cow sed filet mignon sunt shank ball tip. Brisket minim frankfurter pork belly, ut filet mignon pork tempor quis cupidatat shankle in ea.

Labore anim kevin landjaeger, pariatur id short ribs beef ribs. Nulla veniam cillum dolor, ut pork belly eiusmod laboris velit proident ut. Est shankle laboris swine. Adipisicing boudin pork chop aliqua doner aute.

Shankle non ad nisi short loin enim. Reprehenderit adipisicing ham prosciutto porchetta irure ground round in shankle exercitation pork loin eu. Dolore velit in tail. Hamburger elit andouille, tail reprehenderit swine fatback duis frankfurter ea spare ribs.

Please click Cancel, or Save.

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet turducken consectetur tongue, ham eiusmod pariatur adipisicing tail fugiat non ut. Culpa beef ribs est pork loin pork cillum dolore ex tail in. Corned beef do officia kielbasa sirloin culpa ribeye mollit cow sed filet mignon sunt shank ball tip. Brisket minim frankfurter pork belly, ut filet mignon pork tempor quis cupidatat shankle in ea.

Labore anim kevin landjaeger, pariatur id short ribs beef ribs. Nulla veniam cillum dolor, ut pork belly eiusmod laboris velit proident ut. Est shankle laboris swine. Adipisicing boudin pork chop aliqua doner aute.

Shankle non ad nisi short loin enim. Reprehenderit adipisicing ham prosciutto porchetta irure ground round in shankle exercitation pork loin eu. Dolore velit in tail. Hamburger elit andouille, tail reprehenderit swine fatback duis frankfurter ea spare ribs.

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet turducken consectetur tongue, ham eiusmod pariatur adipisicing tail fugiat non ut. Culpa beef ribs est pork loin pork cillum dolore ex tail in. Corned beef do officia kielbasa sirloin culpa ribeye mollit cow sed filet mignon sunt shank ball tip. Brisket minim frankfurter pork belly, ut filet mignon pork tempor quis cupidatat shankle in ea.

Labore anim kevin landjaeger, pariatur id short ribs beef ribs. Nulla veniam cillum dolor, ut pork belly eiusmod laboris velit proident ut. Est shankle laboris swine. Adipisicing boudin pork chop aliqua doner aute.

Shankle non ad nisi short loin enim. Reprehenderit adipisicing ham prosciutto porchetta irure ground round in shankle exercitation pork loin eu. Dolore velit in tail. Hamburger elit andouille, tail reprehenderit swine fatback duis frankfurter ea spare ribs.

Some long content to show dialog scrolling

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet turducken consectetur tongue, ham eiusmod pariatur adipisicing tail fugiat non ut. Culpa beef ribs est pork loin pork cillum dolore ex tail in. Corned beef do officia kielbasa sirloin culpa ribeye mollit cow sed filet mignon sunt shank ball tip. Brisket minim frankfurter pork belly, ut filet mignon pork tempor quis cupidatat shankle in ea.

Labore anim kevin landjaeger, pariatur id short ribs beef ribs. Nulla veniam cillum dolor, ut pork belly eiusmod laboris velit proident ut. Est shankle laboris swine. Adipisicing boudin pork chop aliqua doner aute.

Shankle non ad nisi short loin enim. Reprehenderit adipisicing ham prosciutto porchetta irure ground round in shankle exercitation pork loin eu. Dolore velit in tail. Hamburger elit andouille, tail reprehenderit swine fatback duis frankfurter ea spare ribs.

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet turducken consectetur tongue, ham eiusmod pariatur adipisicing tail fugiat non ut. Culpa beef ribs est pork loin pork cillum dolore ex tail in. Corned beef do officia kielbasa sirloin culpa ribeye mollit cow sed filet mignon sunt shank ball tip. Brisket minim frankfurter pork belly, ut filet mignon pork tempor quis cupidatat shankle in ea.

Labore anim kevin landjaeger, pariatur id short ribs beef ribs. Nulla veniam cillum dolor, ut pork belly eiusmod laboris velit proident ut. Est shankle laboris swine. Adipisicing boudin pork chop aliqua doner aute.

Shankle non ad nisi short loin enim. Reprehenderit adipisicing ham prosciutto porchetta irure ground round in shankle exercitation pork loin eu. Dolore velit in tail. Hamburger elit andouille, tail reprehenderit swine fatback duis frankfurter ea spare ribs.

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet turducken consectetur tongue, ham eiusmod pariatur adipisicing tail fugiat non ut. Culpa beef ribs est pork loin pork cillum dolore ex tail in. Corned beef do officia kielbasa sirloin culpa ribeye mollit cow sed filet mignon sunt shank ball tip. Brisket minim frankfurter pork belly, ut filet mignon pork tempor quis cupidatat shankle in ea.

Labore anim kevin landjaeger, pariatur id short ribs beef ribs. Nulla veniam cillum dolor, ut pork belly eiusmod laboris velit proident ut. Est shankle laboris swine. Adipisicing boudin pork chop aliqua doner aute.

Shankle non ad nisi short loin enim. Reprehenderit adipisicing ham prosciutto porchetta irure ground round in shankle exercitation pork loin eu. Dolore velit in tail. Hamburger elit andouille, tail reprehenderit swine fatback duis frankfurter ea spare ribs.

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet turducken consectetur tongue, ham eiusmod pariatur adipisicing tail fugiat non ut. Culpa beef ribs est pork loin pork cillum dolore ex tail in. Corned beef do officia kielbasa sirloin culpa ribeye mollit cow sed filet mignon sunt shank ball tip. Brisket minim frankfurter pork belly, ut filet mignon pork tempor quis cupidatat shankle in ea.